Let's build your next-level life of


You’re driven. You know you’re very capable. You want to make the most out of YOUR potential, and make the most out of this one life we have.  I'm making it my life's  mission to remind you how amazing you are. 

As a natural creative, you know there are so many routes you can take - because YOU can make things happen when you’re empowered and deeply connected to yourself. Right now, the road is unclear because 1. you lack clarity around what's next & 2. you don't fully trust yourself yet - you're constantly pleasing everyone else. 

We work on both getting you out of both. 

With the use of practical life design tools for clarity, along with deep mindset work for reframing patterns and narratives that keep you stuck – you will come out unshakeable & confidently taking action.







“Pat’s coaching completely changed my life. I was stuck without really knowing what to do and I only had a basic or a faulty knowledge of who I personally was. Coach Pat helped me develop my real needs and wants, and was able to transform my mindset and therefore my life goals. Now I am living my life to the fullest every day and I now come closer to a more fulfilling life than I have ever thought was possible.”


Love Notes

Love Notes

“Pat’s coaching completely changed my life. I was stuck without really knowing what to do and I only had a basic or a faulty knowledge of who I personally was. Coach Pat helped me develop my real needs and wants, and was able to transform my mindset and therefore my life goals. Now I am living my life to the fullest every day and I now come closer to a more fulfilling life than I have ever thought was possible.”


What I love about the program is how practical it is. In each session, there wasn't just time to dive into insights and exercises but Pat would also throw in real life challenges that were so fitting with what I would be struggling with.

I really appreciated how specific the prompts and challenges were to what I needed to work on in my life. They weren't complicated, but were so specific that they helped me to pin point what I was struggling with so that I could work on it in a mindful and targeted way.


Love Notes

Love Notes

"What I love about the program is how practical it is. In each session, there wasn't just time to dive into insights and exercises but Pat would also throw in real life challenges that were so fitting with what I would be struggling with.

I really appreciated how specific the prompts and challenges were to what I needed to work on in my life. They weren't complicated, but were so specific that they helped me to pin point what I was struggling with so that I could work on it in a mindful and targeted way."


"When I first started sessions with Pat, I remember feeling so overwhelmed  on how to move forward. Then slowly over the course of our sessions, I have shifted my mindset in small but impactful ways that have transformed the way I live.

She doesn't just tell you what to do; she provides tools and asks the right questions that help you uncover realizations on your own. For me, her methods are very effective since it really pushes you to take ownership of the change you want to experience."

– B.A.

Love Notes

Love Notes

"When I first started sessions with Pat, I remember feeling so overwhelmed on how to move forward. Then slowly over the course of our sessions, I have shifted my mindset in small but impactful ways that have transformed the way I live.

Pat's approach is effective because she doesn't just tell you what to do; she provides tools and asks the right questions that help you uncover realizations on your own. For me, her methods are very effective since it really pushes you to take ownership of the change you want to experience."

– B.A.

“Today, I no longer only live for the weekends. I’m slowly regaining agency over my life, living with deep intention and self-awareness. Still so much to work on, but my progress with Pat had been so energizing already. Cannot wait for more people to feel this inspired to be better 💌”


Love Notes

Love Notes

“Today, I no longer only live for the weekends. I’m slowly regaining agency over my life, living with deep intention and self-awareness. Still so much to work on, but my progress with Pat had been so energizing already. Cannot wait for more people to feel this inspired to be better 💌”


“Pat was always open-minded and encouraging while also generous with her learnings and experiences that have helped me immensely. I highly recommend her as a coach for anyone confused and wanting to make a change, do something new and/or be more intentional and effective as a person. Thanks again, Pat! ”


Love Notes

Love Notes

“Pat was always open-minded and encouraging while also generous with her learnings and experiences that have helped me immensely. I highly recommend her as a coach for anyone confused and wanting to make a change, do something new and/or be more intentional and effective as a person. Thanks again, Pat! ”


“The personalized strategies and unwavering support have enabled me to prioritize myself, set healthy boundaries, and make choices that align with my values. Although it’s a work in progress but with her expertise, I’ve experienced a remarkable transformation and newfound confidence. If you’re looking for a life coach who truly understands and can make a positive impact, it’s Pat!”


Love Notes

Love Notes

“The personalized strategies and unwavering support have enabled me to prioritize myself, set healthy boundaries, and make choices that align with my values. Although it’s a work in progress but with her expertise, I’ve experienced a remarkable transformation and newfound confidence. If you’re looking for a life coach who truly understands and can make a positive impact, it’s Pat!”


Work With Me

90-Day Life Design Reset Program

We create an actionable, practical plan and get clear on the structure and mindset shifts you need to transition to your ideal set-up, as well as a thriving headspace.

Learn More

This is for you if…
  • You are self-aware, and want support in processing thoughts, ideas, emotions
  • You are deeply curious about your life’s purpose and living your potential
  • You are a visionary - and want extra eyes to piece things together into implementation and have that extra layer of accountability
  • You know your external reality reflects your inner world, hence you want to do the inner work

Imagine if..
  • You have a plan, you know where you’re headed, you feel at peace with your next steps
  • You feel energized and that seeps into other areas of your life - career, health, relationships to others and yourself ++
  • You feel deeply connected with yourself, and can say you REALLY like yourself - so you show up confidently
  • Instead of being stuck in loops of overthinking, procrastination, indecision – you are doing. Moving. Progressing!

Clarity, a change in mindset, and
an actionable plan. 


✦ 2-3x 1-hour sessions per month (for 3 months)
✦ Text & Voice note coaching support M-F (business hours)
✦ Self-paced tasks and homework in between sessions 

Again, my proven core framework: 

✦ Self-Awareness and Relationship to Self
✦ Reframing Subconscious Beliefs and Patterns
✦  Cultivating Inner Authority and Intuition
✦  Expansion and Inspired Action


✦  A transformation that can change the trajectory of your life 
✦  A renewed belief about yourself & your potential & discovering your authentic self 
✦  The most empowered version of you - doing big, bold moves authentic to you 

I’ve had many clients quit great jobs on paper they were settling for, move their lives across the globe, expand their businesses - living their most abundant, fulfilling lives. 

We build new habits and implement new practices to help in your recovery that transcends several aspects of your life. 

Learn More

90-Day Burnout Recovery Program

Learn More

This is for you if…
  • You’re constantly feeling tired - but you’re ready to bounce back to your real, energetic, thriving self 
  • You want to build better habits and be intentional with your next steps 
  • You’re ready to devote serious time for yourself and your healing
  • You want to get out of escapist behavior and habits (indulging, overeating/drinking/spending, partying ++) and turn them around to more productive habits

Imagine if..
  • You didn’t feel tired all the time and you had the mental energy and space to pursue other hobbies, connect with others the way you truly want to, or spend time with yourself!
  • You show up confidently because you feel THAT good inside 
  • You feel a sense of balance in your life - bringing you peace and clarity, instead of chaos 
  • You’re able to make empowered decisions and have a clear path to your goals & next steps 
  • You are the fittest, healthiest version of you - inside and out, and it shows

Clarity, a change in mindset, and
an actionable plan. 


✦ 2-3x 1-hour sessions per month
(for 3 months)
✦ Text & Voice note coaching support M-F (business hours)
✦ Self-paced tasks and homework in between sessions 


Pat | Life Design Coach & Reiki Practicioner

That little nudge inside of you? Yep, it’s telling you something! I know because I spent a lot of time trying to silence the little voice saying I was meant to be elsewhere, doing something else.

On paper, everything was great – I had a very comfortable life in my hometown, I chased after conventional success, international careers and degrees, yet somehow – I was left unfulfilled, exhausted, left wondering how I could make more impact in the world, while I do things that make me feel most alive.

Truth was, nothing scared me more than living a static, subpar life, stuck dreaming what else could be. I’m a doer. I’d rather pivot, fail, and learn – than settle for what’s just comfortable, or less than what my soul truly craves for. 

I am a devoted student of life - insatiably curious, multi-passionate, always excited about the world. I’m a true free spirit at heart – and today I get to live that fearlessly through the life I designed! I’m on a mission to guide you feel the same, through a journey of deep self-discovery & self-trust so you can ultimately live a fulfilling, aligned life.

Gift For You

your free year-end review & new year planning guide   

indicates required



Listen to my podcast.

live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose ///div>
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose ///div>
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //
live in alignment // with your true potential // wake up with purpose //

Let's Connect!