Let's build your

next-level life of

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You're a go-getter. And that has gotten you to places.

But now, you realize that you have compromised parts of yourself and certain aspects of your life to get there.

Because you are naturally driven, you have already achieved conventional success.

It's great, but.. you no longer want to compromise your REAL wants and needs.

At your core, you know what's important to you - your well-being, your zest for life, your authenticity, your relationships, and truly feeling you're living life on your own terms.

It's time your life truly reflects that.

My Mission

  • To get you out of cycles of feeling stuck and unfulfilled.
  • To bring you closer to your TRUE SELF, because that’s where real fulfillment lies.
  • To help you stop over-compromising and trying to please everyone else but yourself.
  • To help you break habits that are burning you out.
  • To help you regain TRUE confidence and self-trust you’ve once had, and maybe lost
  • To help you take charge of your life, your fitness, health, your relationships, and mostly your relationship with work and your WORTH

About Me

That little nudge inside of you? Yep, it’s telling you something! I know because I spent a lot of time trying to silence the little voice saying I was meant to be elsewhere, doing something else.

On paper, everything was great – I had a very comfortable life in my hometown, I chased after conventional success, international careers and degrees, yet somehow – I was left unfulfilled, exhausted, left wondering how I could make more impact in the world, while I do things that make me feel most alive.

Truth was, nothing scared me more than living a static, subpar life, stuck dreaming what else could be. I’m a doer. I’d rather pivot, fail, and learn – than settle for what’s just comfortable, or less than what my soul truly craves for.

I am a devoted student of life - insatiably curious, multi-passionate, always excited about the world. I’m a true free spirit at heart – and today I get to live that fearlessly through the life I designed! I’m on a mission to guide you feel the same, through a journey of deep self-discovery & self-trust so you can ultimately live a fulfilling, aligned life.

The Stages of the Quarter Life Crisis - Mini Masterclass

Naming something, like the Quarter Life Crisis, gives us power over it. But we need more than that to move toward healing. In this masterclass, we understand the underlying causes of a quarter-life crisis and small actionable steps for each one.

Enter your email below to access the full video and take the first steps toward finding alignment again.

Ready to do the work?

No more compromise. It's time to re-design the life that works for you, and not the other way around. The work on yourself begins today.

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©2023 Plan The Move. All Rights Reserved

